Batman & Hotwheels: Marketing Inspired by Your Inner Kid

I had the honor of speaking at FunnyBizz San Francisco on June 11, 2015. There were so many great presentations that day – all advancing the idea of eradicating boring marketing by bringing humor into business. Some of those presentations focused specifically – not exclusively – on content marketing humor. That is a conference I can get behind! Be sure to check out the link – it is a fabulous conference for any organization to attend if it’s looking to break the status quo of boring content!

I spoke about adding humor to your marketing by unleashing your inner kid. When we were kids, we were fun, imaginative and playful. In my very interactive talk (yes, I put the audience to work and I think they loved it!), I demonstrated how applying approaches from improvisation can help teams unleash new ideas for marketing content, campaigns, new products – virtually anything.

Enjoy! Leave me a comment. I’d love to hear how you unleash you inner kid!

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