One of the things I really love about what I do is that I get to talk to other storytellers – both inside and outside of companies – about trends, key storytelling elements and about important topics such as, “How to be a better storyteller.”

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Here are two recent videos from two different blabs I did on storytelling. Full of fun and great info. My hope is that you’ll laugh and learn. To your success!

How to Tell a Powerful Business Story

In the first video, I talk with Karen Dietz and Lianne Picot about How to tell a Powerful Business Story. What are the key elements? What has to be there for a story to be compelling?

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How to be a Better Storyteller

In the video below I chat with fellow storyteller Park Howell about business storytelling trends and how to be a better storyteller by harnessing these key ideas.

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Your Turn

How do you tell a powerful story? What are the business storytelling trends that inform your work? Let us know in the comments below.