Business Storytelling Solves Key Challenges

Storytelling is more than just a marketing and branding practice. It’s bigger than that. In fact, storytelling solves key challenges for many organizations.

Storytelling inside the company is where it all starts to improve outcomes for employees and customers.

Storytelling Solves Key Challenges

Storytelling Solves Key Innovation and Culture Challenges

So here are some things storytelling can help with and a few ways I have worked with companies:

  1. Strengthening teams.Stories are meant to be shared. Stories that are shared reinforce team behavior. And experiences are stories. Team building, for example, isn’t about liking each other. It’s about building trust and collaboration that creates a creativity multiplier. Here is why I think team building must change!
  2. Reinforcing culture. People want to be inspired by stories all throughout the organization. Not just at the top or in marketing. The story of your values must drive people in the organization to do their work because they believe it matters. Find out how Zappos uses storytelling to reinforce a culture of customer service.
  3. Recruiting talent. You need to have a powerful story that is bigger than the organization. People want to be part of that. When you tell a story that makes people feel they are part of something really amazing well, it goes a long way. And every experience with your organization tells a story. Make sure your candidates experience the best of your company.
  4. Turning data into narrative.Do you know what questions matter? Many organizations have data and bigger ones have a lot. But can you turn these into actionable insights and stories? That is an important growing area – making sense of data.
  5. Deepening relationships. Stories influence and persuade more than anything else. So when you need to persuade, are you using stories? This is not just for managers and the c-suite, it is a critical career and life skill.
  6. Creating a storytelling environment. Everyone is a steward of the brand’s story. That needs to be reinforced by employees and customers who tell their stories! Do you have a story strategy?
  7. Driving innovation of products and experiences. Enough said!

Contact Me

Ready to unleash your organization’s creativity to propel your teams and brand forward? Call me. 408.578.8040.  Email: kathy (at) keepingithuman (dot) com.