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Corporate Innovation Cartoon: Now Go Innovate!

By |2018-05-13T01:04:02+00:00May 13, 2018|

Now Go Innovate - Corporate Innovation Cartoon Go Innovate! Far too often, we tell people all the things they shouldn't do in the workplace. 1. Don't rock the boat 2. Don't make mistakes 3. Don't forget we need 20% return 4. Don't try new things 5. We don't do it that way here... And so much more! We're so busy what not to do, that we forget to [...]

Fun at Work Day: Innovation and Playfulness

By |2018-01-28T22:37:43+00:00January 28, 2018|

Happy Fun at Work Day Fun at Work Day - Playfulness Matters Today is #havefunatworkday! Play is creative fuel. #playfulness matters. How will you play today in teams or by yourself? Play unleashes our best ideas and that is a powerful force for innovation. It does something else, too. Play shows us who we are. In low stakes play where rules don't matter, we see how we react [...]

Culture and Innovation Through Humor

By |2024-07-23T18:48:47+00:00January 22, 2017|

 Seriously Funny Leaders and Teams Humor isn’t a nice to have at work like paying taxes or seat belts for the kids. It is the secret sauce to braver people, culture and innovation across marketing, tech, story and more. Reach out today!  Kathy served as closing keynote at AMA Cincinnati's 2018 Ignite CX Conference. A highlight of the program, she delivered the perfect balance [...]

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Improv and Innovation Cafe’: Video

By |2017-02-21T01:38:45+00:00May 29, 2015|

Keeping it Human's Improv and Innovation Cafe' Improv and Innovation: Techniques for Product, Content, Marketing and Communication In this hangout series, I talk about applying improvisation to marketing, communications, and content as well as product innovation. Join me several times each month as we discuss how to improve your marketing, communications, content and product strategies with techniques from applied improvisation. Improv and Innovation: Episode 1 with Brian Carter [...]

Applying Improvisation to Improve Agility and Innovation – My Chat with Kat Koppett

By |2017-02-21T19:21:29+00:00December 13, 2013|

On December 12th, I had a great chat with Kat Koppett. Kat is a fellow improviser-in-chief who also applies concepts from stage improvisation to the needs of business to improve performance. This means accepting others ideas and adding onto them (vs. denying them) in order to create new ideas and new ways of thinking about existing issues/products/ideas/processes/etc. Innovation and The Power of Improvisation Innovation is not always about resources; it's [...]

Want More Innovation? Start with Your Business Culture

By |2017-02-21T20:00:29+00:00June 15, 2013|

Innovation and Culture On Thursday, June 13th, I had the pleasure of talking to my friend and colleague, Mary Beth Deans, about the importance of business culture in innovation. We're obsessed with innovation today. Yes, we need to innovate products, business models, experiences to stay relevant. Why aren't companies talking about innovation in corporate culture? It's time. It has been said: culture eats strategy for lunch (and dinner too!).If your [...]

Innovation, “Humanness,” and Culture Stewardship – An Interview with “The New How” Author, Nilofer Merchant (Part II of II)

By |2012-03-29T22:58:00+00:00March 29, 2012|

KKG: You and I both agree culture eats strategy for breakfast. AMEN! What’s the “breakfast of champions” that culture must have to thrive? Put another way, if there were two elements that created culture “oxygen,” what would they be? They would be Questions and Curiosity. Most problems left unsolved in today's organization are not broken because people are stupid; they are broken because not everyone has the same picture of [...]

Innovation, “Humanness,” and Culture Stewardship – An Interview with “The New How” Author, Nilofer Merchant (Part I of II)

By |2017-02-21T21:57:59+00:00March 20, 2012|

The following blog post is a compilation from a Q&A with Nilofer Merchant. Nilofer, formerly the founder and CEO of Rubicon, is a corporate director at a NASDAQ-traded firm and a lecturer at Stanford. After working at Apple and Autodesk and with many other Fortune 500 firms, she wrote The New How to share the secrets of unlocking collaborative innovation. Nilofer also blogs for the Harvard Business Review (HBR).   [...]

Humor Drives Profits: The Creativity-Innovation Connection

By |2018-01-06T02:09:26+00:00January 28, 2011|

Humor Drives Profits: The Creativity - Innovation Connection Humor is good business. In fact, it’s critical to the creative, innovative process that drives strategic advantage in the marketplace. Humor is no longer a “nice to have” – it’s a competitive necessity. Success demands constant market innovation. Moreover, the most important motivation for employees isn’t money. Employees want to be valued and challenged at work. This means being able to use [...]

Adaptability Mindset Lessons From Improv

By |2024-06-20T18:16:47+00:00June 12, 2024|

Adaptability Mindset Lessons from improv comedy to change your life and leadership Adaptability Mindset Through Improv Comedy   Adaptability Mindset is a growth mindset. Sure, risk-taking can be scary. It doesn't have to be. And we need risk-taking for creativity and innovation and for personal as well as professional growth. How can we work our muscles even when it feels big? A few months ago I emceed a [...]