Does Fun Matter in Sales and Marketing? Yes, and!… Humor Me!

I have written about the role of humor in sales and marketing many times. To read some of those articles, visit: After a recent panel discussion at an event where I was asked this question, I am revisiting it. The challenge: giving a short answer [...]

By |2017-02-21T22:05:32+00:00December 7, 2011|

When it Comes to Content, Think Like A User

When you are planning your content strategy – whether it’s video, articles, whatever – step back and ask yourself: What makes great content, and what makes people want to share it? Lots of people ask me how to create viral content. If I knew that, I’d bottle it. [...]

By |2017-02-14T01:53:26+00:00September 9, 2011|

How Credit Unions Can Engage with Humor

By infusing social media with humor and changing the way they think about business, credit unions can establish a critical generational bridge to market more effectively to Millennials. This article appeared in The June 2011 edition of Connection Magazine, published by the Credit Union Association of New York. [...]

By |2017-02-21T22:13:50+00:00June 29, 2011|

Keeping B2B Marketing Content “Human”

There would be a lot less bad marketing in the world if executives were forced to read all the ineffective, sometimes downright awful, content their organizations produce. Marketing is supposed to put human needs first by sounding like it was created for humans by humans. Marketers know this. [...]

By |2017-02-14T01:48:21+00:00May 23, 2011|