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Interactive Storytelling Lessons: How a Silent Film Comedy Stuntman Changed Everything

By |2018-08-29T22:51:12+00:00August 25, 2018|

Interactive Storytelling Lessons from Silent Film Era Physical Comedy Interactive storytelling is not an option today. If you are not doing it, you will be left behind.  Harold Lloyd’s silent comedy was story *crack* to my 9-year-old brain. Here was a silent film era comedy stuntman who relied solely on visual comedy and object work to tell these funny and very human stories. I couldn't get enough of it. I [...]

Playful Leadership: How Play Increases Self-Awareness

By |2018-05-24T16:15:03+00:00May 24, 2018|

Play Increases Self-Awareness Play increases self-awareness and that is key to leadership. Do you know how you play? Fun at Work Day - Playfulness Matters I love playing. We don’t play enough as adults. That’s what kids do and it matters. We know play is connected with creativity and innovation, and I love using play concepts in my work (because they’re fun!). Play is also connected with something [...]

Humor and Branded Content: Four Ways to Bust Boring!

By |2018-05-13T01:04:14+00:00May 12, 2018|

Humor and Branded Content - How to Show Audiences You "Get it" Humor and Branded Content This month I published a piece on humor and branded content and native advertising in the latest updates for the Native Advertising Institute. It's getting harder to get and keep attention. Well-thought out humor can help. This piece outlines four ways to use humor and branded content (as well in native advertising) [...]

Paying Women Speakers Equally – Humor

By |2018-05-07T01:26:04+00:00May 7, 2018|

I created this chart just before Equal Pay Day... Just in case...if you know people that are confused, you can use this Flowchart for reference to help answer the question of paying women speakers equally. Hint: it shouldn't be a question or issue. Paying Women Speakers Equally Do you have something funny you'd like me to draw or talk about? Let me know.     ******************************************************************************* Kathy Klotz-Guest is a [...]

How to Speak Like a Blockchain Boss (Satire) in 6 Easy Steps

By |2018-05-13T01:43:31+00:00March 16, 2018|

How to Speak Like a Blockchain Boss I am no blockchain expert; yet I have friends who are and they can show you how to speak like a blockchain boss. Today, I got to chat with my friends @Kerrygorgone and @Chrisbrogan (a real expert) about blockchain on the Business SHEnanigans show. I am practically an expert by osmosis. I am at @kathyklotzguest.   Listen In: It's Informative and Funny Whew! You'll want [...]

International Womens Day Tech Parody Coloring Page

By |2018-03-30T20:18:28+00:00March 8, 2018|

A Coloring Page for Tech Dudes That Support Women International Womens Day For international womens day (IWD) 2018, I created the official "International Womens Day Tech Parody" Coloring Page. Or image, really. Still...Woot Woot!  Now, tech bros that support women can get on the coloring. Color all five shapes based on support you have given women in your world, and you're a rockstar! Be sure to check out [...]

12 Strategic Humor Principles for Life and Business Success

By |2018-05-07T20:27:21+00:00February 17, 2018|

My Strategic Humor Principles for Success I wrote this post on strategic humor principles over a dozen years ago! And even in that amount of time, I've evolved and I've put all of these to the test. In pretty much every capacity. Source: I help businesses and teams become idea-driven cultures that flourish with creativity, and I use strategy, humor and applied improvisation to do that. While [...]

Lady Doritos and PepsiCo’s Missed Marketing Opportunity

By |2018-02-07T04:16:03+00:00February 7, 2018|

Lady Doritos and a Missed Marketing Opportunity Oh Doritos! How I love thee. I do. And I don't mind saying that to the world. I ate so many - Cool Ranch, please! - when I was pregnant. I should have bought stock in the company! Yet, they missed a huge opportunity with Lady Doritos (#ladydoritos) on Twitter. New Doritos Flavor, Blaze. These are *not* Lady Doritos. Source: screenshot [...]

Narrative Strategy: Conflict Powers Incredible Storytelling

By |2018-01-31T19:59:29+00:00January 31, 2018|

Anger is Story and Innovative Fuel: Why Conflict Powers Incredible Storytelling I spoke to a group of entrepreneurs recently about storytelling and conflict. Being an entrepreneur is hard - just like being an executive in a big company: both can be isolating. Many of these entrepreneurs expressed frustration, rejection and anger as well as passion and excitement. We all do. That is totally normal. Congrats - your human card is [...]